"Green" Christmas Presents
Two weeks before Christmas I spent a couple of hours in my local mall asking in every store if they had shoes made out of recycled plastic. Adidas (with a company called Parley) makes shoes out of ocean plastic and I wanted to see a pair before I bought them. Here’s a link to the Adidas page if you want to know more about their shoes. Click here.
Adidas Ocean Shoes
Back to my search. I did not find shoes but I found a back pack made out of recycled water bottles. It was a little pricey but I bought it for my granddaughter. Her birthday is December 24th so it was Christmas and birthday all in one. The maker is named SakRoots. For more information, click here.
Back Pack made with recycled plastic.
Most of my Christmas presents for the children contained recycled plastic: shoes, t-shirts, bathing suits, baby toys, back packs, frisbees, and tote bags. Another great gift which makes zero waste are shampoo bars. No more plastic bottles in the shower for me and my family! We have so much power as consumers. We can change the way products are made. Let’s use our money to effect change in the world.