Church Composting
Back in November I completed an on-line course offered by my church and now I’m an official “Earth Keeper” Part of completing the course was coming up with a church wide project that would better the earth. I chose composting. Everyone in our congregation can now enjoy the thrill of recycling food waste. Is anyone surprised by this? If you’ve followed me for awhile this is not news. I’m always about the garbage. Well, I want to see garbage turned into gold; black gold in this case.
The only good garbage can is an empty garbage can.
I bought a composter to put on the church campus and last week my husband and I assembled it. The instructions were in German. It was not easy but we got it done.
The Aeroplus 6000. It’s bullet proof.
I have to prepare my little promo to give during the Sunday service next week so our folks will know what to do.
I know God is in this because . . .